All press posts

Who holds the power in our cities? Claudia Chwalisz on Monocle Radio


Podcast: James Macdonald-Nelson on CityChangers

City Changers

Dem Rat von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern eine Chance geben

Die Press

Podcast: Claudia Chwalisz in conversation with Lawrence Lessig

Lifeboats with Lawrence Lessig

Ieva Cesnulaityte on citizen deliberation as a matter of national security

Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe is in a particularly vulnerable moment as it faces a wave of populism, polarisation, and growing public disengagement against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. Citizens’ Assemblies give people agency, strengthen quality information ecosystems, and overcome polarisation by bridging divides. In doing so, they can help strengthen people’s resilience to authoritarianism and populism.

IWM post

Democracy Par Excellence

A transnational Citizens’ Assembly could enable a deliberative opening far beyond national enclosures and the ‘Brussels bubble’

IPS Journal

Claudia Chwalisz on design and democracy

Design Emergency Podcast

To redesign democracy, the U.S. should borrow an idea from Dublin

As the U.S. grapples with division and discord–and the 2024 elections loom–this old idea points to new ways of solving hard problems

Fast Company

Claudia Chwalisz on Deliberation

Claudia Chwalisz talks about deliberation, new democratic models, and commitment as a form of participation. More

Cultures of Assembly

Assembly Required

What is the role of political leadership in a new democratic paradigm defined by citizen participation, representation by lot and deliberation? What is or should be the role and relationship of politicians and political parties with citizens? What does a new approach to activating citizenship (in its broad sense) through practice and education entail? These are some questions that I am grappling with, having worked on democratic innovation and citizens’ assemblies for over a decade, with my views evolving greatly over time.

RSA Magazine

Deliberative Democracy: Imagining the next democratic paradigm

The shortcomings of current democratic governance have even fuelled a sense of pride in so-called illiberal democracies. But what if a more collaborative model, truly respecting rule by the people, were achievable? Claudia Chwalisz, founder and CEO of DemocracyNext, joined us on Perspective to delve into this further.

France 24

Democracy Without Politicians: Claudia Chwalisz on How to Citizen with Baratunde Thurston

What could our democracy feel like if we represented ourselves directly instead of or in addition to electing a representative?

How to Citizen Podcast

Podcast: Democracy, with Claudia Chwalisz

In this episode, host Hilary Sutcliffe explores . . . democracy from another angle. For most people, democracy means elections, then governing, and then four years later, you do it again. Claudia Chwalisz, founder and CEO of DemocracyNext, has different ideas. Her vision is for a democracy that is a lot more “democratic,” where you as a citizen have a real say in how your country is run, and might even do away with elections and politicians altogether.

Carnegie Council
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