Ansel Herz

Ansel Herz

Communications Director

Ansel Herz is a writer and editor with more than a decade of experience. He is a former investigative journalist and 2015 Washington Coalition for Open Government Key Award Finalist for his dogged, revelatory coverage of the Seattle Police Department. Prior to that, he was a reporter in Haiti, where he uncovered sexual misconduct by United Nations "peacekeeping" troops and produced a VICE documentary about their pattern of abuse. Before joining DemocracyNext, he worked as a press officer, social media strategist, video and graphics producer, and speechwriter in Deputy Communications Director and Digital Director roles for U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, respectively. Ansel is passionate about interrogating hierarchies of power and in his belief that ordinary people should be masters of their fate—not patronized, controlled or deceived by elites—deserving full transparency and participation rights in the major institutions of society.

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